Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting Caught up

I got the flu, been feeling out of it last couple days . Heres the artwork from day 12- 15 which gets us caught up to today (Day 16)

I have been noticing the art has been more organic looking, clouds, veins, tissues, etc.

Day 12 (shown left) I was trying to recreate what I saw in my inner minds eye- what appeared like waves of energy or frequencies- almost like sonar like the kinds bats use. There were three waves and they merged on one another in the upper center.

Day 13 (shown left ) This one was a small little vessel that appeared in my vision, and the energy around it was nurturing and warm.

Day 14 (shown right)

Day 15 (shown above)

Lately I've been feeling like not sitting my the meditation or doing the artwork. But after I do
them I feel better, I am leaning to let my inner guidance take over and not try to control or plan what emerges, It's exactly what I tell my Art Therapy clients to help them get over their inner critics. I suppose sometimes taking our own advice is the best advice that I can ever been given.

Day 16 (shown above)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 10 & 11 of Meditation art series

Day 10- My vision during the meditation was one of being craddled in the energy and nurance of the universe. There was a great sense of reassurance and gentle nudging to let go. Letting go of worry, need for control which then allows for more trust in the process of life unfolding. Isn't that the joy of being alive? The not knowing?

When I sat down to make the art work, I started with the energy, it looked like waves or clouds in layers, coming to a point in the middle. I added the figure laying or being supported in the middle to represent the mesage of letting go, releasing the control and just allowing things to happen, and unfold. The image felt very peaceful to me, much like how I felt during the meditation.

Day 11- I felt connected to the universe and the energy flowing through me, at first I saw what looked like pedtals of a flower, overlapping each other, like a blooming lotus but bigger. These pedals faded into the background and I saw very clearly an hour glass filled with sand. The majority of the sand was still on the top, slowly sifting down to the lower half, the passage of time. It registered to me as my life, the years that had already passed and the "unspent" or
years I still had left.
The message seemed to be one of encouragement to live my life to its FULLEST potential and not to waste one more second on anything that does not give me joy and fullfillment. Then very clearly the words " I am deserving," came to me, that I do deserve to have all that I have ever dream of, and of expanding and becoming all that I am capable of being! Getting in touch with my belief in myself as an ever expanding human being.

To learn more about my journey and the energy work I do-

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9- "Peeling back the layers"

Day 9 of Meditation Art series, despite the fact that it is Sunday I had work this morning, ( a Reiki appointment with a client) I offer private in-home sessions, so I met the client at her home in West Philly, which meant I had to get up , shower, to get out there by 11am, was not that early but still didnt give myself enough time this morning to do the mediation so I waited until the later afternoon to do it. Sometimes I find that the time of day that I do it makes a difference in how it goes, can't say that one is better then the other-- they just are different results.

I sat for the normal 15 mins, but it felt ALOT longer, I had multiple layers of things that happened,, the first thing that I saw during the meditation was this rolling back of what looked like layers of earth or skin, thick and peeling back to reveal the soft underneath. I can only assume that the underneath is my unconscious, and that my peeling away of the "noise" and clutter of the mind and activities of the day would only enhance my experience. I made the artwork about this imagery- after completing it I saw that it also reminded me of a storm cloud and an open field or plain. There is always a clearing after the storm, and without the rain, the land would become dried up and un-usuable.
Following the peeling away imagery, I felt so thankful and excited about my life, what was awaiting me in the near future whatever that may be. I imagined wrapping myself in a spiral of energy, like a blanket or sash it wrapped around my entire body starting at the top of my head around me as I sat in lotus position. It was a yellowish-orange and it engulfed me in its light. A reiki symbol came to mind, the healing Buddha/Master symbol-- I felt very safe and secure. I readied myself for amazing wonderful things to come my way, I believe we create our own realities and allow or disallow the universe to give us what we most desire, love, happiness, abundance.

If you desire to connect yourself with your higher self- find fullness in your life-
check out the healing and energy work sessions I offer

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8- Meditation Art

Day 8- Today's meditation had me very relaxed, saw waves of colors, layered on each oher,almost like tide or waves of water on the shore. I felt at peace and connected to the universe. Still feeling the effects of my energy healing session from yesterday.

Be my fan on facebook!!/pages/Expressive-Energy-Healing/127932397245521

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7 of Meditation Art

Day 7- very special day for amazingly good energy! I completed my meditation in the morning but did not have enough time to make art right afterwards due to having to rush off to work. At work, I received so much positive energy and feedback from multiple people, telling me that "you are a God-sent" and how young and viberant I look. It felt so good to get so much positive attention from COMPLETE strangers!! I felt very connected to the universe, it seemed as if people around me picked up on that.

After work, I had plans to meet with a colleague of mine to trade modality treatments. I gave her an art therapy session and she gave me IET. To learn more about energy work including IET and reiki - check out website:
It was very powerful and I saw and felt many different things. The image that stood out to me the strongest was when I envisioned a figure standing at a distance at first, each second that passed it became closer and closer to me until it was standing near me. I felt its presence in the room, it felt like it was someone who loved me, cared for me, watching over me and wanted to let me know how proud they were of all the things I was doing with my life. Two people came to mind , one was my grandmother and the other my uncle, both deceased. I felt at peace and enjoyed the presence of the figure, it stayed for a short while then disappeared. I decided since this was such a strong image and intense that I would make my art today about that instead of my meditation from earlier in the day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6 of meditation art

Todays meditation was powerful, very clear message and imagery. I saw a tunnel, path through a very long dark passage.There was a light, clearing in the distance"light at end of the tunnel". I had the opportunity to experience this in real life, this past summer I went on a bike ride/hike to some abandoned highway sections that included tunnels. They were complete empty, run down, had not been driving on in years. As I walk through this mile and a half stretch, complete darkness, it was like nothing else I have every experienced. I was full of anxiety, fear of not being able to see where or what I was walking on or into. I had to walk in blind faith, one foot in front of the other slowly getting closer to the light where it was sunny and fresh air.

During this meditation I was reminded of that experience, I saw the tunnel exactly how I remembered if you are standing on the opening before entering, looking into it. The message was one of facing my fears of the unknown, moving forward without knowing what comes next, continuing on my journey and not allowing the darkness to control me or keep me from achieving my goals.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5 of Meditation Art

Day 5 of meditation series, Today was different , got up without enough time to do my morning meditation before having to leave for work. My day felt "off" I was more easily agitated and less centered. Upon arriving home after work, the first thing I needed and wanted to do was my meditation. While connecting to the energy,my eyes began to flutter, as they sometimes do when I am receiving attunements for reiki or having a connection with energy during sessions, this was the first time I had such a strong connection.

I saw a variety of shapes, including a bird like figure in the center of my mind's eye and then a moving, swirling triangle. I asked the universe if it had a message for me today. I received several, less clear cut but along the lines of not fearing, pursuing my dreams and accepting and exploring the darkness, the parts of me that I deny , don't understand or am fearful of. According to Jung we all have these parts of us we deny or reject- called our shadow. I am interested to explore the shapes/images I saw and what type of message was meant for me,as I continue this practice I am hoping to receive a more and more clear vision and direction, as I learn to quiet my mind more effectively.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4 of meditation Art

Day 4, again completed my meditation time early this morning before getting ready for work. Felt my crown charka (top of my head) open and connect with the universe.Also envisioned an exercise I sometimes practice called "magnetizing" where you imagine a spiral/coil coming out from your chest/ solar plexus charka pulling in toward you those things that you would like in your reality. Today while practicing this coil I imagined good things, people connecting with me, more opportunties and abdundance making its way torwards me.This was very energizing and invigorating for me! A great way to start my day!

To read more about energy work:

I decided to capture these experiences in the artwork, both the energy flow I felt and the exercise of magnetizing" that I did while I meditated. It was a very fruitful experience for me.

Again I see a pyramid like image-up side down coming out of the top of my head.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3-Meditation Art

Today was day 3, I did my meditation before work, did my artwork following the sitting, I was concerned things would be rushed due the time restraint of having to work (since it is Monday) but I had plenty of time for both- meditating and the art making. Part of me wished I could stay home and paint all day, blow off my job all together. In addition to the daily meditation inspired art I began a new painting yesterday, the ideas kept coming to me while falling asleep and during my sitting both yesterday and today. (shown Left- new painting - not yet complete)

So the image/vision I saw for today's meditation was a very large, open 3rd eye-(Shown Right),. Again I asked if there was a message from my higher power, what I should take away, the messageI recieved was to keep "following your heart". After I completed this artwork I refelcted on the fact that the shape of the 3rd eye as well as the colors used seemed to mirro those found in my new painting (shown above)
The slit in the chest of the girl looks very similar to the 3rd eye image. I believe with the unconscious there are no mistakes and that everything that arises is meaningful and significant.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 - Meditation Art

Day 2:

Started my meditation, set timer for 15 mins, but my cats kept interupting my quiet time,so ended up sitting for an additional 15mins, kept having visions of my next painting, last night as I was trying to fall asleep same types of ideas were floating around. I guess that is a sign I should start the painting. I had a hard time today clearing my mind of random thoughts. I did towards the middle of the first sittting and then torwards the end of the second one, see image of water or a path leading back towards the hortizon, disappearing into the distance, and pillars in the for-front, like as if I were looking out from a terrace of some kind. I was a peace scene, inviting, and I asked if my source had a message for me. a simple, over-used and popular scripture verse came to me "Seek and you shall find"

As I worked on the visual creation of what I experienced internally, I began to notice the path or water that I envsioned began to look like another pyramid, right down the center of the page, even the blocks of road started to emerge as bricks laying the foundation of the mysterious structure. This will be 2 days in a row of pyramid imagery that was not intentional but simply emerged on it's own.

To read more about energy work :

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Its that Time of Year again!!!!

"FUN-A-DAY" is an annual art show. This is the 3rd year in a row that I have participated. For the entire month of Jan, you make or do one creative thing per day, then at end of month you put all 31 pieces together to be displayed with everyone elses work! It such a wonderful way to start the year off to a creative note!

This year I decided to intergrate the practice of meditation with art making. I will be meditating for at least 15mins each day followed by making art, inspired by my inner experiences and visions. I am very excited to see how the art may change or emerge as I practice quieting my mind, search for guidiance, and connect with my source.
To hear more about energy work:

This first piece, I did today, the first day of my new practice. While meditating I felt a strong energy coming from my hands and from the top of my head. I saw lines connecting the 3 points of energy to the universe above. Without realizing it, those imaginary lines created a pyramid.

I have taken up reading the works and theroies of Jung. I have always been both interested and drawn in to his ideas about the collective unconscious and how we have shared images and concepts that we are unaware of. I believe that this image of the pyramid came to me from deep within, spotaneously emerged. I am excited to see what else comes as a result of this practice, combinng meditation with art making, and both trusting and allowing my mind and spiritual connection to be given form on its own accord.