Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9- "Peeling back the layers"

Day 9 of Meditation Art series, despite the fact that it is Sunday I had work this morning, ( a Reiki appointment with a client) I offer private in-home sessions, so I met the client at her home in West Philly, which meant I had to get up , shower, to get out there by 11am, was not that early but still didnt give myself enough time this morning to do the mediation so I waited until the later afternoon to do it. Sometimes I find that the time of day that I do it makes a difference in how it goes, can't say that one is better then the other-- they just are different results.

I sat for the normal 15 mins, but it felt ALOT longer, I had multiple layers of things that happened,, the first thing that I saw during the meditation was this rolling back of what looked like layers of earth or skin, thick and peeling back to reveal the soft underneath. I can only assume that the underneath is my unconscious, and that my peeling away of the "noise" and clutter of the mind and activities of the day would only enhance my experience. I made the artwork about this imagery- after completing it I saw that it also reminded me of a storm cloud and an open field or plain. There is always a clearing after the storm, and without the rain, the land would become dried up and un-usuable.
Following the peeling away imagery, I felt so thankful and excited about my life, what was awaiting me in the near future whatever that may be. I imagined wrapping myself in a spiral of energy, like a blanket or sash it wrapped around my entire body starting at the top of my head around me as I sat in lotus position. It was a yellowish-orange and it engulfed me in its light. A reiki symbol came to mind, the healing Buddha/Master symbol-- I felt very safe and secure. I readied myself for amazing wonderful things to come my way, I believe we create our own realities and allow or disallow the universe to give us what we most desire, love, happiness, abundance.

If you desire to connect yourself with your higher self- find fullness in your life-
check out the healing and energy work sessions I offer

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