Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3-Meditation Art

Today was day 3, I did my meditation before work, did my artwork following the sitting, I was concerned things would be rushed due the time restraint of having to work (since it is Monday) but I had plenty of time for both- meditating and the art making. Part of me wished I could stay home and paint all day, blow off my job all together. In addition to the daily meditation inspired art I began a new painting yesterday, the ideas kept coming to me while falling asleep and during my sitting both yesterday and today. (shown Left- new painting - not yet complete)

So the image/vision I saw for today's meditation was a very large, open 3rd eye-(Shown Right),. Again I asked if there was a message from my higher power, what I should take away, the messageI recieved was to keep "following your heart". After I completed this artwork I refelcted on the fact that the shape of the 3rd eye as well as the colors used seemed to mirro those found in my new painting (shown above)
The slit in the chest of the girl looks very similar to the 3rd eye image. I believe with the unconscious there are no mistakes and that everything that arises is meaningful and significant.

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