"FUN-A-DAY" is an annual art show. This is the 3rd year in a row that I have participated. For the entire month of Jan, you make or do one creative thing per day, then at end of month you put all 31 pieces together to be displayed with everyone elses work! It such a wonderful way to start the year off to a creative note!
This year I decided to intergrate the practice of meditation with art making. I will be meditating for at least 15mins each day followed by making art, inspired by my inner experiences and visions. I am very excited to see how the art may change or emerge as I practice quieting my mind, search for guidiance, and connect with my source.
To hear more about energy work:
This first piece, I did today, the first day of my new practice. While meditating I felt a strong energy coming from my hands and from the top of my head. I saw lines connecting the 3 points of energy to the universe above. Without realizing it, those imaginary lines created a pyramid.
I have taken up reading the works and theroies of Jung. I have always been both interested and drawn in to his ideas about the collective unconscious and how we have shared images and concepts that we are unaware of. I believe that this image of the pyramid came to me from deep within, spotaneously emerged. I am excited to see what else comes as a result of this practice, combinng meditation with art making, and both trusting and allowing my mind and spiritual connection to be given form on its own accord.