Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pottery and such...

Just got back from the pottery open studio, I wish they had more hours, this time they cut back to like only 3 days a week and they are all back to back, Tues, Wed, Thrusday, which is kind of unhelpful if you have projects that need to dry or you don't want to get too dry. If they are too dry then you can't trim them and you're screwed. Timing is a very large part of pottery and with such inflexible hours, it makes it very annoying and extremely challenging.

So today for example, I had plates that I made thrown on the wheel, four of them from my class on monday and two from last week that we're drying... well, the two I had thrown last week were too wet to trim on Monday (in class) but TOO dry today!! urghhh... I trimmed them the best I could. Then I'm faced with the dimlemna of do I trim the ones from Monday -today or wait till next Monday (since there's no open studio b/w today and MOnday) so those are my only options, luckly almost all of the plates were ready to be trimmed except for one-- I just waited till the last min for the wet plate and carefully trimmed it up anyways.

I am trying to make a set of plates to replace ones that my boyfriend still has , and that we both use all the time , that were from his previous marriage , that he got as wedding presents. I don't have much against them except for the association of his former life and they aren't much to look at... brown with dark blue flowers painted on in the middle. I know I can do MUCH better then that! AND how cool will it be to eat off my very own plates EVERYday!!! SO much fun!!

I will post some pictures of the plates when I get done with them. Plates are very tricky, because there are some many steps and stages where things can go wrong, and I have broken and/or had cracks happen right up to the very last final stages. As it stands right now I have 6 that are trimmed up and drying, hopefully they will all survive .. [fingers crossed]

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